可接受使用@ MCCC


Network Information Technology Systems Purpose

MCCC owns and operates a variety of systems (hardware, 软件及网络), 提供哪些支持, improve and promote education and programs in the College community. The systems are intended to facilitate collaboration and exchange information among faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 和国家, national and international educational entities, as well as to promote access to international information resources. The systems are to be used only for education, research, academic development and public service.

This document establishes rules and prohibitions that define acceptable use of information technology systems. Unacceptable use is prohibited and is grounds for loss of computing privileges, disciplinary action and/or prosecution under federal, 州和地方法律. MCCC reserves the right to access all data and files on college-owned information technology systems at any time.

Information Technology Systems User Responsibilities

Information technology systems provide access to resources on and off campus and with other academic and other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege and requires that individual users act responsibly. MCCC information technology systems may not be used for any purpose which is illegal, unethical or inconsistent with the mission of the College or this policy, or other activities likely to subject the college to liability.


  • Respect the privacy of other users; for example, users shall not intentionally seek information on, 获取或修改文件, other data or passwords belonging to other users or represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user;
  • Obey all relevant laws, including, without limitation, the Copyright Act; 
  • Preserve and safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data created by others;
  • Respect the integrity of information technology systems; for example, users shall not intentionally develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software and hardware components of a computer or a computing system;
  • Follow proper procedures established for all information technology use; and
  • 举报违反本政策的行为.


  • Use a disproportionate amount of information systems technology resources for non-educational purposes; 
  • Use information systems maliciously with or without intent (including, 但不限于, hacking) or in any way which violates applicable laws or regulations;
  • Use information systems for recreational games;
  • Use information systems for commercial or for profit purposes, 政治游说, religious material or personal advertisement;
  • 展示或发送淫秽物品, 性, graphic or violent material except for legitimate academic research;
  • Use the information technology systems in a way which harasses, 威胁, intimidates or defames others; and,
  • Gain or enable unauthorized access to resources or data.


File or account users will be notified of maintenance, in advance, whenever possible. When performing system maintenance, the college strives to ensure the integrity of a user’s files. 尽管做出了合理的努力, the college cannot and does not guarantee the security of the information technology system. Users should be aware that electronic mail is extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification.


中冶保留检查的权利, 监控, and examine any college-owned information technology system, computing resource and/or computer files contained therein at any time. Users should not have an expectation of privacy for information contained on any information technology system.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

This acceptable use policy does not attempt to catalog or exhaustively detail all required or proscribed uses or behavior. The vice president of student and information services may at any time make determinations that particular uses are or are not consistent with the purposes of the MCCC information systems, 并可能采取相应的行动.

违反本政策的行为, 学校认为哪些是辅修课程, will typically be handled internally by the appropriate administrator. More serious or repeat violations of this policy shall subject users to the regular disciplinary processes and procedures of the college for 学生, 工作人员, 管理人员和教职员工. Illegal acts involving the college information systems may also subject violators to prosecution by local, 州和/或联邦当局.

Adopted by the 校董会 11-24-97; 11-99, Revised 11-17-08